Unity Hierarchy 순서 변경
Unity에서는 기본적으로 Canvas를 기준으로 Hierarchy의 순서(위에서 밑으로) 계층으로 Draw 된다.
그렇기 때문에 Hierarchy의 순서를 변경해야하는 경우가 종종 있다. 스크립트로 처리할 경우는 다음과 같다.
Index to 0
m_IndexNumber = 0;
//Set the Sibling Index
//Output the Sibling Index to the console
Debug.Log("Sibling Index : " + transform.GetSiblingIndex());
void OnGUI()
//Press this Button to increase the sibling index number of the GameObject
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(0, 0, 200, 40), "Add Index Number"))
//Make sure the index number doesn't exceed the Sibling Index by more than 1
if (m_IndexNumber <= transform.GetSiblingIndex())
//Increase the Index Number
//Press this Button to decrease the sibling index number of the GameObject
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(0, 40, 200, 40), "Minus Index Number"))
//Make sure the index number doesn't go below 0
if (m_IndexNumber >= 1)
//Decrease the index number
//Detect if any of the Buttons are being pressed
if (GUI.changed)
//Update the Sibling Index of the GameObject
Debug.Log("Sibling Index : " + transform.GetSiblingIndex());
Unity - Scripting API: Transform.SetSiblingIndex
Use this to change the sibling index of the GameObject. If a GameObject shares a parent with other GameObjects and are on the same level (i.e. they share the same direct parent), these GameObjects are known as siblings. The sibling index shows where each G
Unity - Scripting API: Transform.GetSiblingIndex
Use this to return the sibling index of the GameObject. If a GameObject shares a parent with other GameObjects and are on the same level (i.e. they share the same direct parent), these GameObjects are known as siblings. The sibling index shows where each G
해당 트랜스폼을 기준으로 Hierarchy 순서를 가져오고 변경하는 코드이다.
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