커스텀 디바이스 추가 하기(Custom Simulator : iPhone 14,15 Pro / etc)
Unity 엔진에서 모바일을 개발하는 과정에서는 여러가지 Device의 해상도에서 어떻게 나오는지 확인을 해야 한다.
그 과정에서 Simulator를 사용하는데 시간이 지날수록 새로운 Device가 나오는데 내장된 업데이트가 되지 않고 있다.
<Unity Device Simulator Devices 1.0.0>
< Game : Simulator>
기존의 시뮬레이터에서는 지원하는 Device가 최신 기기의 디바이스가 없는 경우에 추가를 해야한다.
< 추가 방법 >
Device의 정보를 적은 Json 형태의 파일을 넣으면 된다.
경로 | Assset 경로 |
.Device Json | Assets/Devices/ |
디바이스 이미지 | Assets/Devices/Overlays/iPhone 14.png |
< iPhone 14.devie >
"friendlyName": "Apple iPhone 14",
"version": 1,
"screens": [
"width": 1170,
"height": 2532,
"navigationBarHeight": 0,
"dpi": 460.0,
"orientations": [
"orientation": 1,
"safeArea": {
"serializedVersion": "2",
"x": 0.0,
"y": 102.0,
"width": 1170.0,
"height": 2289.0
"orientation": 2,
"safeArea": {
"serializedVersion": "2",
"x": 0.0,
"y": 141.0,
"width": 1170.0,
"height": 2289.0
"orientation": 3,
"safeArea": {
"serializedVersion": "2",
"x": 141.0,
"y": 63.0,
"width": 2250.0,
"height": 1107.0
"orientation": 4,
"safeArea": {
"serializedVersion": "2",
"x": 141.0,
"y": 63.0,
"width": 2250.0,
"height": 1107.0
"presentation": {
"overlayPath": "Overlays/iPhone 14.png",
"borderSize": {
"x": 80.0,
"y": 70.0,
"z": 80.0,
"w": 70.0
"systemInfo": {
"deviceModel": "iPhone14,7",
"deviceType": 1,
"operatingSystem": "iOS 17.0",
"operatingSystemFamily": 0,
"processorCount": 6,
"processorFrequency": 0,
"processorType": "arm64e",
"supportsAccelerometer": true,
"supportsAudio": true,
"supportsGyroscope": true,
"supportsLocationService": true,
"supportsVibration": true,
"systemMemorySize": 2813,
"unsupportedIdentifier": "n/a",
"graphicsDependentData": [
"graphicsDeviceType": 16,
"graphicsMemorySize": 1024,
"graphicsDeviceName": "Apple A15 GPU",
"graphicsDeviceVendor": "Apple",
"graphicsDeviceID": 0,
"graphicsDeviceVendorID": 0,
"graphicsUVStartsAtTop": true,
"graphicsDeviceVersion": "Metal",
"graphicsShaderLevel": 50,
"graphicsMultiThreaded": true,
"renderingThreadingMode": 0,
"hasHiddenSurfaceRemovalOnGPU": true,
"hasDynamicUniformArrayIndexingInFragmentShaders": true,
"supportsShadows": true,
"supportsRawShadowDepthSampling": true,
"supportsMotionVectors": true,
"supports3DTextures": true,
"supports2DArrayTextures": true,
"supports3DRenderTextures": true,
"supportsCubemapArrayTextures": true,
"copyTextureSupport": 31,
"supportsComputeShaders": true,
"supportsGeometryShaders": false,
"supportsTessellationShaders": true,
"supportsInstancing": true,
"supportsHardwareQuadTopology": false,
"supports32bitsIndexBuffer": true,
"supportsSparseTextures": false,
"supportedRenderTargetCount": 8,
"supportsSeparatedRenderTargetsBlend": true,
"supportedRandomWriteTargetCount": 8,
"supportsMultisampledTextures": 1,
"supportsMultisampleAutoResolve": false,
"supportsTextureWrapMirrorOnce": 0,
"usesReversedZBuffer": true,
"npotSupport": 2,
"maxTextureSize": 16384,
"maxCubemapSize": 16384,
"maxComputeBufferInputsVertex": 8,
"maxComputeBufferInputsFragment": 8,
"maxComputeBufferInputsGeometry": 0,
"maxComputeBufferInputsDomain": 8,
"maxComputeBufferInputsHull": 8,
"maxComputeBufferInputsCompute": 8,
"maxComputeWorkGroupSize": 1024,
"maxComputeWorkGroupSizeX": 1024,
"maxComputeWorkGroupSizeY": 1024,
"maxComputeWorkGroupSizeZ": 1024,
"supportsAsyncCompute": false,
"supportsGraphicsFence": true,
"supportsAsyncGPUReadback": true,
"supportsRayTracing": false,
"supportsSetConstantBuffer": true,
"hasMipMaxLevel": true,
"supportsMipStreaming": true,
"usesLoadStoreActions": true,
"supportedTextureFormats": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
"supportedRenderTextureFormats": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
"ldrGraphicsFormat": 59,
"hdrGraphicsFormat": 74
< iPhone 14 디바이스 디스플레이 스펙 정보>
- Screen resolution (points): 390 x 844
- Native resolution (pixels): 1170 x 2532 (460 ppi)
- Native Scale factor: 3x
Screen Resolution 과 Safe Area 의 가장 큰 영역을 추가해서 넣으면 된다.
iPhone 14 Screen Sizes : [링크]
iPhone 14 Screen Sizes
The notch is being replaced by the dynamic island. Here's a recap of what's changed with the 2022 iPhone 14 screen sizes.
Unity Device Simulator : [링크]
Unity - Manual: Device Simulator
Device Simulator introduction Device Simulator This section of the documentation contains information about Unity’s Device Simulator. A screenshot of the Simulator view Page Description Device Simulator introduction Introduces the Device Simulator and it
Unity Device-Simulator Add Device : [링크]
Unity - Manual: Adding a device
Extending the device simulator Adding a device To add a new device to the Device Simulator, you create a device definition and a device overlay. A device definition is a text file with the .device extension in your Unity project. It contains JSON that desc
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